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The Reality Check

Sep 26, 2011

Darren looks into the important claim that Batman never kills. Elan talks about the placebo effect's evil twin sister: The Hawthorne Effect. Jon conducts a game of Science Fiction or Science Fact about pirates, yarrr!

Sep 19, 2011

Adam explains how studios make crummy movies more attractive with bogus movie review quotes. Jon explains the history of the Illuminati and whether or not they are in control of society. Darren looks into whether there is less gravity near Hudson's Bay.

Sep 12, 2011

Adam covers the issue of the "uncanny valley", why do modern animated movies like "The Polar Express" look so creepy? Elan received a bit of hilarious pseudoscience as a daily deal in his email recently and skewers it on the show. The email of the week asks the hosts of TRC about the podcasts' origins. Finally,...

Sep 5, 2011

Jon discusses recent ape movies and whether or not apes actually can talk to humans. Darren busts the myth that it takes years to digest a maraschino cherry.