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The Reality Check

Jun 30, 2018

Adam kicks off this week’s show by looking into the trend of IV Therapy when used outside of legit medical procedures. Cristina goes head first down a rabbit hole after hearing that a beauty cream Oprah endorses may contain baby foreskin in its formulation. Finally, Darren digs into the stats behind a recent headline...

Jun 25, 2018

Happy Summer Solstice, Checkers! This week, Darren explores whether implicit bias training really works in the wake of Starbucks recently closing their stores to provide racial-bias training to its employees. Cristina takes time out of watching the World Cup to check a claim that Mexican fans triggered an earthquake...

Jun 16, 2018

A mashup episode all about ‘effects’.  Darren discusses the sometimes misunderstood cognitive bias called the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Inspired by the movie Hidden Figures, Cristina digs into the Matilda Effect and highlights some groundbreaking women scientists who were famously and shamelessly snubbed for their...

Jun 9, 2018

With all the hoopla of episode 500 done, the TRC crew gets back to business.  First we reach into our mailbag for a couple of listener’s letters. Next Darren looks into the authenticity of a rejection letter Albert Einstein supposedly received from the University of Bern. Cristina asks can grapefruit juice be...