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The Reality Check

Apr 24, 2021

The year 2020 was a dumpster fire, right?  Darren gives us another instalment of his good news stories from the year, this time discussing global health. Adam does a deep dive into viral videos claiming to show dogs communicating using soundboards.

Apr 18, 2021

Darren kicks off the show with an important segment that examines the benefit of getting the COVID vaccine versus any potential risks, using critical thinking. Cristina takes a ride down the MLM highway and explores Truth In Advertising’s recent scrutiny of Mary Kay’s deceptive pinky promises. Finally, Adam really...

Apr 10, 2021

This week we bring you a fascinating interview with Dr. Kim Hellemans about the neuroscience of addiction which originally aired in 2019. Kim is an award-winning neuroscientist and the chair of the department of neuroscience at Carleton University. She is also a co-host of Minding The Brain podcast. Enjoy!