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The Reality Check

May 29, 2015


Pat kicks off this week’s show revisiting an older segment on DNR with some new information about the mortality rate in DNR patients. Darren looks into the phenomenon of men having more than one penis. Finally, Adam hands us a segment about the interesting origin of the Vulcan Salute and the Death Grip...

May 23, 2015


Hello TRC’ers! This week’s show is a veritable potpourri of topics! Darren studies Ontario’s new Sex-Ed Curriculum and addresses its critics. Adam tackles the meme keeping us all up at night...did the kids from Magic School Bus grow up to be Captain Planet’s Planeteers? Lastly, Cristina dissects some...

May 16, 2015

TRC is bringin’ it! Cristina bites into a segment about dubious Health, or self-professed “wellness” bloggers and the potential hazards of their claims, and in some cases lies. Adam touches down with a detailed look into the origins of crop circles and the various explanations behind them. Finally, Darren dips...

May 9, 2015

Dr. Stuart Robbins from Exposing PseudoAstronomy is back to discuss the search for Earth-sized exoplanets.  Pat then leads the crew in another game of Name That and lastly Darren looks into whether an Israeli stamp in passports can affect travel to Arab and Muslim...

May 2, 2015

Darren touches on recent events in Nepal and offers suggestions on how to help during disaster relief efforts. Guest host Dina drops a segment we can all get behind regarding promising research around fecal transplants, aka transpoosions. Next up, Adam goes where no TRC segment has gone before...does wearing a red...